Friday, April 17, 2009


First off, I want to thank Ashley for the being (at this moment) the only person to ever comment on this blog. Thank you.

Last Saturday I went to Omaha with the band. I brought along my Holga camera I got for Christmas 2007 that I had never used. I'm excited to see how the pictures turn out.

We walked around the downtown area, which was beautiful. We wasted time in a record store where we got some free posters, and Brook bought a record based on how cool the cover was (that's not a bad idea). We ate at a cafe that I can't remember the name of, but it was nice.

At our show, one of my new friends, Kalee, came out. I met her exactly a year before when we played in Lincoln, Nebraska at Box Awesome. That's one of the best parts of playing these out of town shows: meeting new people and hopefully getting to see them again sometime. That was only the second time I've seen her, April 11th, 2008 and April 11th, 2009. I think we should try to keep that up. Meet on April 11 every year.


  1. be careful with that holga! it's always hit or completely miss, for me at least.

    In 8th grade my class went to the omaha zoo for a field trip and some kid faked dead on the bus.

  2. yeesss. He laid on the floor in the aisle and we all walked over him cause it was so entertaining for some reason, and then when we sat down he wouldn't get up or move or anything! I can't remember how he eventually got up...the bus driver probably yelled at him or something haha.

  3. it's so hard deciding! We settled on staying here, just because it'd be easier, and it's a lot safer in minneapolis, so that's good too haha.
    We sort of thought about Lawrence! I'd almost rather live there than KC.
    good luck with your choice! It took be 3 awfully long months to come to decision and I'm still having a million second thought haha.
